I am Jess, one of the teachers at Lock34Yoga and when I am not teaching you might also spot me working at Silhouette Beauty + Medi Spa or SIP Coffee + Plants, both located on the main floor of our gorgeous heritage building. I live in our community with my supportive and wonderful husband, I have 2 great stepsons, and we have 2 boys of our own.
So let me talk about why I am a yoga teacher and why I have decided to open Lock34Yoga. I first began my yoga practice over 14 years ago when I was living in the Northwest Territories. During the winter months up there it can be dark 20 hours of the day and yes, it is as cold as you would think it is. That makes for a very long winter in a rather isolated area. I began joining yoga classes up there offered at the community centre. At first I wasn’t a big fan of yoga itself, of yoga itself, but I thought I would give it a chance. I later moved to Peterborough and began going to hot yoga classes. This is where it was life-changing for me. Hot yoga made me feel INCREDIBLE. The sweat, the movement, the breath, all integrated together within a welcoming warm place was exactly what I needed. I would leave every class feeling energized and happy. I then moved to Fenelon Falls 8 years ago and joined the Yoga Loft community in Lindsay. It was there that I decided to become a yoga instructor. I went off to Costa Rica for a month to complete my Yoga Teacher Training 200 hour level, with Frog Lotus Yoga. I travelled there, I met amazing friends, I soaked up every ounce of yoga and nature that I could. It was truly one of the best decisions of my life and it changed who I was as a person, which I am forever grateful for. I taught at the Yoga Loft for 6 years, and still try to sub classes there when I am able to.I have owned my beauty and medi-spa for over a year now and we made the choice to expand to a new building, which has given me the opportunity to open Lock34Yoga as our new building has the most gorgeous open concept 2nd floor, perfect for a yoga studio. It was a no brainer and here we are today! I welcome each and every one of you to come experience our space, enjoy our classes and let them challenge you, as yoga has always done for me. Learn new things, meet new friends and take time for your health and well-being.
Much Love,
Jess Hayter